This blog will be where I post my PostgreSQL administration learning and it’s comparison to SQL Server from a SQL Server DBA’s viewpoint. When working as a SQL DBA for almost 2 decades in various roles learning a new database engine can be daunting. How do I remember all the commands and internals of the new system such that I do not mix them up with SQL Server? This post will serve to show the equivalent concepts, commands and features between the two engines. The references in this post are for version PostgreSQL 9.6 and SQL Server 2012. References to features for newer version will be explicitly stated.
Running Tasks
Show the running, runnable and sleeping tasks in a database engine, we run the following:
SQL Server
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EXEC sp_who2; -- or EXEC sp_WhoIsActive; |
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SELECT pid, usesysid, usename, client_addr, client_port, datname, state, query_start, xact_start, wait_event_type, query, application_name FROM pg_stat_activity ORDER BY state; |
How to kill a PID (PostgreSQL) or SPID (SQL):
SQL Server
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KILL SPID; -- replace "SPID" with actual SPID ID |
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SELECT pg_cancel_backend(PID); --The graceful, but possibly slow way SELECT pg_terminate_backend(PID); --The FAST way; Same as KILL [SPID] in SQL Server |
Instance Configuration
Show the current server settings:
SQL Server
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EXEC sp_configure('Show advanced options', 1); RECONFIGURE; GO EXEC sp_configure; |
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Enabling Configuration Changes
Both SQL Server and PostgreSQL handle configuration changes by either implementing the change immediately, without a service restart, or the change requires the service be restarted before the change can be in effect, thus making the instance temporarily unavailable. For SQL Server the change either becomes immediately effective as a result of simply saving the change, either through a GUI, or by executing the following:
SQL Server
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-- An example: enable the SQL Agent XPs so Agent can run EXEC sp_configure('Agent XPs', 1); RECONFIGURE; GO |
For PostgreSQL, the keyword to use with pg_ctl is ‘reload’ versus ‘restart’. Reload allows for a configuration change without breaking connections or restarting the service. The keyword ‘restart’ is a full restart of the PostgreSQL engine service and will break connections and take the service temporarily offline while it restarts. An example of how to execute both at the Linux command-line are shown below:
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Show requests that are blocked or deadlocked and show the lead blocker
SQL Server
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SELECT spid,sp.STATUS, RTRIM(loginame) AS 'loginname', RTRIM(hostname) AS 'hostname', blk = CONVERT(CHAR(3), blocked), open_tran, DB_NAME(sp.dbid) AS 'dbname', cmd, waittype, waittime, last_batch, SQLStatement = SUBSTRING(qt.text, er.statement_start_offset / 2, ( CASE WHEN er.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN LEN(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), qt.text)) * 2 ELSE er.statement_end_offset END - er.statement_start_offset) / 2 ) FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses sp LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests er ON er.session_id = sp.spid OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle) AS qt WHERE spid IN (SELECT blocked FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses) AND blocked = 0 |
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SELECT pid, usename, pg_blocking_pids(pid) AS blocked_by, query AS blocked_query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE cardinality(pg_blocking_pids(pid)) > 0; |
Database Size
show the current size for each database (formatted):
SQL Server
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SELECT AS 'Database Name', (SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CAST((smf.size * 8) / 1024 AS MONEY), 1), '.00', '') FROM sys.master_files smf WHERE d.database_id = smf.database_id AND smf.type_desc = 'ROWS' AND smf.file_id = 1) AS 'File Size in MB', (SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), CAST((smf.size * 8) / 1024 AS MONEY), 1), '.00', '') FROM sys.master_files smf WHERE d.database_id = smf.database_id AND smf.type_desc = 'LOG' AND smf.file_id = 2) AS 'Log Size in MB' FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases sdb INNER JOIN sys.databases d ON d.database_id = sdb.dbid INNER JOIN sys.master_files smf ON smf.database_id = d.database_id LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset bs ON = bs.database_name AND bs.type = 'D' LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases lspd ON lspd.primary_database = LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases lssd ON lssd.secondary_database = WHERE smf.file_id = 1 GROUP BY, lspd.primary_database, d.compatibility_level, lspd.last_backup_date, lssd.last_restored_date, lssd.secondary_database, smf.size, d.database_id ORDER BY 1 |
1 2 3 |
SELECT datname AS "Database", pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) AS "Size" FROM pg_database ORDER BY datname; |
Check for Database Corruption
Check the database for consistency in it’s data and indexes etc.:
REF: Corruption Detection and Containment
REF: Checking for corruption
REF: Using pg_visibility
SQL Server
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DBCC CHECKDB [MyDatabase]; |
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Updating Statistics
Show how to update statistics for slow queries
SQL Server
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USE AdventureWorks; GO UPDATE STATISTICS AdventureWorks.<table_name>; GO |
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Backup Database
Performing backups on Linux and PostgreSQL is a bit different than performing the same task in SQL Server on Windows. One example is if you are able to stop the postgresql service on a data directory, you can just copy the whole directory as you can also restore the entire instance this way. That is not possible in Windows and SQL Server. However you cannot restore a single database this way. There is also a method for backing up a single database in cases where that is needed. I will show both methods in this section.
How to perform a database backup to disk:
SQL Server
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# You need to be executing the commands as the 'postgres' user to perform this task. Run as 'SUDO SU postgres" first. Then run the following commands as shown. PostgreSQL backs up a single database as a full SQL script that can be replayed back restoring the state of the database including the data exactly at that point. Also not that pg_dump does not back up roles (users and groups) and tablespaces. pg_dumpall does back those up. You can however, run 'pg_dumpall --roles-only > myroles.sql' or --tablespaces-only, or --globals-only which dumps both roles and tablespaces to a single file. postgres> pg_dump -F c mydatabase -f outfile.sql |
or to backup all databases, run the following:
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postgres> pg_dumpall -F outfile.sql |
NOTE: pg_dumpall has a few aspects that the DBA needs to keep in mind. It scripts out all the databases but does not guarantee that all the data is atomic. If the databases are large, it could take time to complete the backup and it simply scripts out each databases one by one and each table one by one without checking for referential consistency. It’s best ot run this when you can stop all transactions from happening. You also cannot restore selective databases this way as the restore runs the entire script.
Restore Database
Show how to perform a database restore from disk:
SQL Server
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pg_restore ... |
— References
Streaming Replication
9.26. System Administration Functions
Postgres Log Monitoring 101: Deadlocks, Checkpoint Tuning & Blocked Queries
Guideline Settings for a New PostgreSQL Server
Analyze memory usage of PostgreSQL – why is it growing constantly?
How to detect query which holds the lock in Postgres?
Why is PostgreSQL Running Slow? Tips & Tricks to Get to the Source
PostgreSQL Monitoring Cheatsheet
PostgreSQL Performance Tuning Tutorial – DEVELOPER TIPS, TRICKS & RESOURCES
Key Things to Monitor in PostgreSQL – Analyzing Your Workload
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